EVE Online: Board Game Unleashed! Exclusive Interview with Rixx Javix on Kickstarter Campaign!

Dive deep into the EVE Online universe with our exclusive interview featuring Rixx Jarvix! Join us as we discuss the thrilling EVE Board Game currently on Kickstarter. Get insider insights, behind-the-scenes stories, and explore the exciting crossover of EVE Online and tabletop gaming. Don't miss out on the fun – hit play now and join the conversation!

00:00  The Real show starts here ;)
2:14  Overview of the project
5:43 Ben might have seen a future stretch goal + 200% version of the game
11:51 Current state of the game and the Kickstarter at the moment?
16:03 The cards, packaging and design
32:58 Kickstarter campaign. What is it and is it going well?
37:42 Rixx reveal the secret of the Pink Keepstar!
39:00 The 3 expansions : Titan, Havoc and Azariel
50:37 Combat system
57:00 Check out Rixx's art : https://www.rixxjavix.com/
59:46 and his blog :  https://eveoganda.blogspot.com/
and his Twitter/X https://twitter.com/RixxJavix
1:02:13 Titan / Frigat Free for all! :D
EVE Online: Board Game Unleashed! Exclusive Interview with Rixx Javix on Kickstarter Campaign!
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